Jalan Hutton (Hutton Lane) Street View: Hotel Penaga

Hotel Penaga is a heritage style boutique hotel, nestled in the heart of historic George Town, Penang, which offers a unique blend of heritage charm and contemporary luxury set within a cluster of beautifully restored Art Deco shophouses.

Hutton Lane Street View

Contrary to being named a ‘lane’, Hutton Lane (Jalan Hutton) is actually one of the busy streets in George Town. It is named after James Hutton, a British who also happened to be one of the first doctors in Penang.

George Town Street View: Hutton Lane

Hutton Lane

Hutton Lane

Hutton Lane

Hutton Lane (or Jalan Hutton) was named after James Hutton, a British who also happened to be one of the first doctors in Penang. Hutton arrived in Penang during the early 1800s and subsequently became the sole registered doctor practicing in George Town several years later. Starting from Larut Road, Hutton Lane passes through Transfer Road to Penang Road.